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Diane Samuels

Co-Founder, City of Asylum

Eradicate Hate:

Diane Samuels is a co-founder of City of Asylum. As a volunteer, she has led its public art, facilities development, and residency programs.

She is an artist represented by Pavel Zoubok Fine Arts (NYC).  Her work is part of permanent collections and she has exhibited widely in the U.S. and Europe. Most relevant to the conference, are several commissioned works. In 1998, she completed a commissioned memorial garden in Grafeneck, Germany, site “A” of the so-called euthanasia experiments in 1940.  In 2002, she finished a six-year project working with residents in Buttenhausen, Germany, to deal with its WWII legacy. Luminous Manuscript, a commissioned permanent artwork for the main hall of the Center for Jewish History in New York is included in “Monuments: America’s History in Art and Memory.”

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It is a tragic reality that hateful ideology has found fertile ground online and offline, with consequences affecting not only Americans but people around the world. We cannot stand idle in the face of bias, bigotry, and extremism. Together, at the Eradicate Hate Summit and beyond, the collective will of individuals and organizations is needed to galvanize all people of good will to protect and defend our communities.

George Selim
George Selim Senior Vice President for National Affairs, Anti-Defamation League (ADL)