Higher Education Working Group Members
The membership of the Higher Education Working Group is composed of leaders of some of the world’s most comprehensive “Hate Studies” programs.
About Our Members
This working group is developing ways to support the growing interdisciplinary field of Hate Studies. Hate Studies is premised on the idea that to combat hate we need both to understand it as part of the human condition, and to weave knowledge from the various isolated academic fields together in order to provide usable theories about how hate works, and what to do about it.
Some of the key members of the Higher Education Working Group include:
Dr. Kristine Hoover
Dr. Kristine F. Hoover is a professor and chair of the Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership program. She is also the past director for the Gonzaga Center for the Study of Hate. Under her leadership, the Gonzaga Center... Read More
Kenneth S. Stern
Mr. Stern is an award-winning author and attorney, and was most recently executive director of the Justus & Karin Rosenberg Foundation. Before that he was director of the division on antisemitism and extremism at the American Jewish Committee, where... Read More