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Luke Baumgartner

Luke Baumgartner

Program Manager, We The Veterans

Eradicate Hate:

Luke Baumgartner is a US Army veteran who served from 2017-2021. He commissioned as an active duty Field Artillery Officer from Southern Illinois University Carbondale after earning a BA in Political Science. Following his departure from active duty, Luke enrolled in Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service where he is currently pursuing his master’s degree in Security Studies, concentrating on Terrorism and Sub-state violence. He previously held multiple internship positions at the University of Maryland’s National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, where he assisted in data collection for the Global Terrorism Database (GTD).

Luke serves as the Program Manager for WtV’s Targeted Violence Prevention (TVP) and Mis/Dis/Malinformation (MDM) campaigns and currently resides in Arlington, VA.

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The Summit unites the public and private sectors, domestic and international, against hate and extremism. Researchers, activists, lawyers, technology experts, political leaders, and more come together, each bringing their unique tools to the fight. Important relationships that were established at the Summit in 2021 have carried forward into working groups with concrete deliverables for 2022 and beyond.

Mary McCord Visiting Professor of Law and Executive Director, Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP), Georgetown University Law Center