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Barry Kerzin

Founder & President, Altruism in Medicine Institute; Founder & Chairman, Human Values Institute

Eradicate Hate:
2021, 2022

Ven. Dr. Barry Kerzin is an American trained physician, Buddhist monk and Adjunct Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, Adjunct Professor at HKU, and Honorary Professor at the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences. He is the founder and president of the Altruism in Medicine Institute and founder and chairman of the Human Values Institute in Japan. For 32 years he has been providing free medical care to the poor up to high lamas including HH Dalai Lama. He trains compassion, resilience and mindfulness for 18,000 nurses at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and lectures around the world. Barry has completed many meditation retreats including a 3-year retreat, and his brain has been studied at Princeton University and the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He has authored four books.

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It is a tragic reality that hateful ideology has found fertile ground online and offline, with consequences affecting not only Americans but people around the world. We cannot stand idle in the face of bias, bigotry, and extremism. Together, at the Eradicate Hate Summit and beyond, the collective will of individuals and organizations is needed to galvanize all people of good will to protect and defend our communities.

George Selim
George Selim Senior Vice President for National Affairs, Anti-Defamation League (ADL)